A downloadable clicker game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Click! Upgrade! Fight! You have a big responsibility, and that is saving humanity from going extinct by the very large threat of radiators, which have recently started rising up. Start out in a room with nothing but a Heater in it, and kick your way to the end game boss! The fate of humanity is in your hands. Update v1.1.1 Patch Notes further below.

  • Main goal is clicking
  • Upgrade Shop with many useful and fun items
  • Two Bosses and One Miniboss, each fight completely changing the genre of the game
  • Deep story
  • Achievements
  • Easter Eggs
  • Full Guide in every tab

The main goal is to Kick the Heater, which gives you points. You can spend these points in Raidy's Shop to buy Upgrades which can help a LOT when clicking. Once you've gained enough points and defeated the first boss, you can stop by Major's Base and summon Heatlord - the game's Final Boss. You can also unlock Achievements throughout the game, which are very fun and mysterious to unlock, as you aren't told how to unlock them before you actually acomplish them.

You can hire Workers at the Employment Office to Kick for you! Simply pay the amount it costs to hire a worker, and before you know it, you have a whole team of people who help you kick Heaters!

Another great way to gain Kicks is by participating in Events! Events are short and fun minigames which reward you with a lot of Kicks if you win! You can retry Events and do them as much as you'd like! You can even choose to gain Kicks by only participating in Events, if you really want to.

Once you gain enough points, you can buy Upgrades in Raidy's Shop. These include Multipliers and an AutoClicker. Multipliers multiply the amount of points you get with one click. These help a lot with gaining points and speed up the process of gaining them quite significantly. You can also spend points on Cosmetic Items, which can spice up the look of your game and refresh your experience.

Humanity depends on you! You need to fight and exterminate the Heater threat before it wipes out the entire human species! Fight the first boss by cursing a loved one and getting their soul possessed by The Food Reaper. Then, lock and load and prepare for the toughest fight of your life in a Binding-of-Isaac-like dungeon!

Upon reaching a sufficient amount of points and beating the first boss, you can visit Major's Base and summon Heatlord - the end game boss and fight him in a unique Tower-Defense-like Boss Fight. You'll need to strategise whether to spend money to attack him, or spend money to build new Upgrade Buildings or to simply repair your Defenses. There's multiple playstyles you can take to beat Heatlord, but I recommend to buy all the upgrades for an Ultimate Experience.

I won't spoil what the rest of the Fight or Heatlord looks like, it's up to you to find out yourself. Well? What are you waiting for? Jump right into it!

* I'd love to keep adding new content and updates, so if you find yourself enjoying this, please leave some feedback and share this game with your friends. I highly appreciate it. If you find any bugs, balancing issues or simpy have a suggestion, be sure to let me know!

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Release date Feb 25, 2023
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Made withUnity, Aseprite, GIMP, Audacity
Tags2D, 8-Bit, Arcade, Clicker, First-Person, Funny, Pixel Art, Singleplayer, Sprites, Unity
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


HeaterKicker v1.1.1 (Windows 64bit).zip 73 MB
HeaterKicker v1.1.1 (Windows 32bit).zip 70 MB
HeaterKicker v1.1.1 (macOS Apple Silicon).zip 69 MB
HeaterKicker v1.1.1 (macOS 64bit).zip 71 MB
HeaterKicker v1.1.1 (Linux).zip 73 MB

Install instructions

Windows/Mac/Linux - Download and Unzip the Files, and either launch the app through the game files, or manually make a shortcut. Or install using the itch.io app.  Uninstall by deleting the game files, and the desktop shortcut - if you made one, or with the app.

Development log


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This is on Wallpaper Engine 💀

(1 edit)

As a preamble: I am not necessarily a connoisseur of clicker games (although I have tried at least one), but I am trying my best even in genres I have a lesser grasp in. :)

[Using the Windows version (; still planning to switch to Linux, by the way, which is long overdue… :S]

  1. Small misspelling in the game page: "wheter" -> "whether" (two times)
  2. Minor remark: the itch.io app (= launcher) allows me to launch the installer, but not to play the game directly; I am not sure whether you can configure it this way… I know there is a whole manual for this application, which I had taken a look at, but I am unfamiliar with this specific point (and must still learn more clearly…). By the way, ‘butler’ (which I must also try!!) seems to be nice to optimize uploading updates, which can be of interest to you for any game in the future.
  3. Small detail, but I like the deadening effect in the settings menu. Cosy atmosphere. :) (And I love the menu music, by the way.) Same for ‘Credits’.
  4. The music volume seems higher for in-game music than for the menu; I had turned the volume up a bit for the menu… Perhaps some tuning could help? Or make it also depend on the setting?
  5. ‘How to play’: short and clear enough, but as a general remark, it is often a good idea to manage to have an (implicit!) interactive tutorial to make the player understand things. I know, it can be quite some work. :p I am not complaining, though! (I have very recently played through Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story, and there were a lot of explicit interactive in-game tutorials that mixed text with having the player perform the actions, actually; this can also be a solution.)
  6. Ah, pausing is allowed, nice! :) (I take time reviewing and sometimes have to pause.)
  7. Statistics even count menu clicks! X) Overkill? Or jocular? On the other hand, it does not count pause time as playtime, funnily. :p
  8. Apparently, the boot (visually and audio-wise) appears less times than your true number of clicks (if you proceed fast enough); I guess this is intended, but I wonder which way gives the better ‘juice’/feedback for the player. Did you try both?
  9. The AutoKicker upgrade sounds like ‘hey, we thought of you, lazy person’! XD To each their own. ;)
  10. The story/context looks funny (giving the boot to a heater, the Heatlord), although it is not made that clear; maybe you could convey it some more during the game? It could give a sense of engagement, I guess.
  11. Are the multipliers combinable (eg if you have both 2x and 10x, then you get 20x)? Later: no, they are not. Maybe this should be made clear in the instructions?
  12. The strategy seems straightforward at first sight: click like crazy, get the successive multipliers whenever you can, then get the AutoClicker. Maybe varying the bonuses could make one think a bit more? But hey, maybe that is not the goal. ;)
  13. Typography nerd time: in the shop, are the crosses real proper ‘times’ (×), or just the letter ‘x’? (I am asking, because I changed it in my own Ludum Dare 51 game, since someone had remarked about it. XD)
  14. Trying the ‘Deactivate’ button for the 2x multiplier: does not work?
  15. Funny, I notice the 2x multiplier actually gets you the first point by pressing (and holding), while the second one is yielded by releasing! Is this intended?
  16. Ah, discover by accident that Space also works instead of clicking (because I am using the nearby left-hand button on my laptop computer :p)! Was this said somewhere in the indications or not?
  17. Oh, wait, Space only gets me one point instead of two, so it looks like it does not take the multiplier(s?) into account!
  18. Visiting the ‘Boss’ room/screen: hey, even clicking there still gives me points! And one instead of two (although I guess I should really get zero).
  19. The second multiplier is a lot longer than the first one to get! Maybe intended?
  20. Reached the 10x multiplier; a quick calculation leads me to about 5,000 clicks to get to the third (100x) multiplier, so this will be even longer…
  21. Ah, now, nine points for pressing, and one for releasing. Is there any real reason, once again?
  22. For the record and funny anecdote, the time this takes and the kind of strategy to use reminds me of the Ludum Dare 51 game Far., which took me somewhere about one hour to complete, I think. X) And since you wrote in the info box that this game also needs such an amount of time, this is even more reminiscent.
  23. You know, this whole ‘clicker’ concept where I get some kind of carpal tunnel syndrome reminds me of the good old International Track & Field on the PlayStation. Using some clothe’s cloth or a sock to mash those buttons. XD
  24. Some of the achievements (such as visiting the shop for the first time) remind me of some cheap ‘achievements’ from Steam and so on (to be frank, I dislike how these platforms add such external pseudo-incentives to an already full game!). In the present case, some achievements are meaningful, but I am unsure you really need all. This is nothing serious, but I tend to prefer the achievements linked to the player’s actual performance. Other people may disagree with me on this!
  25. Perhaps some things could happen at some ‘points’, when reaching some score. Funny things, random events, possibly a bonus to catch or a penalty to evade… I think this would break the monotony, although I am unsure if this fits the clicker concept.
  26. I realize there are TWO ‘Main Menu’ buttons in the pause menu!
  27. A bit after getting the 100x multiplier, trying to save and then come back (with ‘Play’); OH NO!!! I lost my progression!!… <:O (I was suspicious this would happen.) I feel like some buttons have trouble (whether multiplier/bonus deactivation or saving).
  28. [Trying again the following day! X)]
  29. I may have not been paying enough attention, but are the particles unchanged when using a multiplier? If not, maybe they could be correlated (quantity, for example) with the current multiplier. Same for sound, maybe?
  30. The trophy icon seems to sometimes not detect well the mouse (I had to click/move several times).
  31. Buying cosmetic stuff and trying to unequip: seems not to work either.
  32. ‘Never gonna give you up’: would you believe I have been listening again to Together Forever (which I prefer) several times very recently? X)
  33. OH NOOOO!!! Ironically, ‘Deactivate’ does work for AutoKicker, but I cannot put it back on then!!! <:O
  34. By the way, the boss target (1,500,000) amounts to 15,000 hundreds, and I get a hundred points out of each click (through the multiplier) (which I make about ten per second) and each second (out of AutoKicker — when it was working…); so, I get about eleven hundreds per seconds. This gives about 1,364 seconds of time to reach the target, which is about 22.7 minutes… I get the feeling this is too much; I could do in some sessions, but as I said earlier, the save system does not seem to work properly for me. ._.
  35. I think I may stop here (BUT letting the game run, in case you point out something helpful I missed!), waiting for a possible update in case you are considering one. (No pressure! ;)) I am a bit frustrated not to see the boss fight, which seems more interesting as to gameplay!

Takeaway: I like the whole presentation (sounds, UI including screens, music…), which is a nice effort that you can surely reuse in other games (the shop, achievements…); I just wish the first gameplay phase had some more variety than mashing the button. X) I understand this is more or less the standard concept for ‘clicker games’, but maybe making it more engaging (possible suggestion: sometimes avoid projectiles with the mouse??? Or click on a specific heater amongst a series of heaters, depending on the moment??? I do not know) and less time-consuming (by lowering some targets, for example) would raise interest in my personal opinion. Still curious as to what the ‘tower defence’ boss part looks like!

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I’ll look into fixing most of the bugs you’ve reported, and I’ll add some things you suggested! I’ll go over your points and try to answer to all of them:

1.) Thanks, I fixed it now.

2.) I tried using butler for this patch, but I was too lazy to set it up. I’ll look into it for the next one. I think I’ll get rid of the installer, as I think it’s unnecessary and I suspect it might be the culprit to why saving doesn’t work.

3.) Glad to hear that. I was randomly messing around with audio filters and fell in love with them haha.

4.) Fixed. Thanks for that. I didn’t notice it before. It should be at the same or at least a very similar volume now.

5.) I think this is a very good idea. Making the tutorial interactive will remove any potential confusion in case I explained something wrong/not clearly enough. I’ll add it in some bigger update later, probably after this next one.

7.) I thought it would be neat for the player to see how many times they’ve clicked throughout the game. Although it should be noted that the amount of clicks doesn’t equal to the amount of points you currently have. I’m embarrased at how long I thought the stat was wrong and bugged because of this. I didn’t count pausing to be playtime because; Does being paused really count as playing the game?

8.) I guess this is semi-intentional. It’s definitely unsatisfying to see the kicking happen slower than your clicks, but I think making the animation very fast or just reset instantly every time you click would look strange.

10.) More L O R E is coming soon! I’ll maybe add a bit in the next update, and a lot more in the very big upcoming update!

11.) No, multipliers don’t stack. Thanks for the tip though, I’ve added it into the shop guide now.

12.) I think I** won’t add any more upgrades** to Raidy’s shop, but I will add something to sweeten the gameplay and reduce the frustration while grinding.

13.) It’s an ‘x’. I didn’t even know a ‘×’ symbol existed. I won’t change it though, as I don’t think the font the game uses even supports it and it’s not that noticeable.

14.) Strange. I thought only the deactivate button on the 100x multiplier was acting up. I’ll look into fixing that, or I might just remove the option to deactivate them entirely.

15.) Well, the way I made it is that you kick the heater by pressing an invisible button, and if you have the 2x multiplier - for example -, it increases the amount of points by 1 after the button has been clicked, leaving you with two points. I hope it’s not annoying or anything.

16.) No, I didn’t even know that pressing space worked. I later found out it’s a Unity thing and the purpose of it is to be able to press buttons in case you only have a keyboard. I removed it and you shouldn’t be able to click with space anymore after the next update. Hopefully.

17.) Again, I didn’t know about it. Please don’t use the space bar while playing the game, it’s an oversight and something might not work because of it.

18.) Gaining points in other tabs is a bug, but I decided to keep it in because I thought it was nice. Beware though, as it *always gives you one point less if you have a multiplier. * 19.) It is somewhat intended, but I didn’t realise how long it takes to obtain it. That’s karma for me, I shouldn’t use a third-party autoclicker to test the game.

20.)* I’ll change up the balancing of shop prices in the next update.*

22.) I think that playtime should be significantly reduced after I lower the shop prices. The game doesn’t have nearly enough content and interesting things to take a full hour to beat.

23.) If you get really tired, you can always use an autoclicker ;)

24.) Well the achievements for just visiting the shop and boss room are both inside jokes. I know that the player didn’t achieve anything by just clicking a button. In the upcoming big update, achievements will have a** way bigger meaning** and will be very useful!

25.) Thanks for the suggestion! I was really struggling with coming up with things to make the game less boring and grindy, and this helps a lot!

26.) I have no idea how I didn’t see that. I’m literally hitting my head against my table at my stupidity. I removed it now, there’s a Quit button instead.

27.) That’s very odd. I tested Saving on my PC and it worked. I suspect that maybe the installer could be messing this up. If not, then I guess*** Unity is having trouble finding the User’s data path***. I hope it’s not that, because I have no idea how to fix that. I’ll also change the file extension name on the save files, as I suspect that antivirus software may be deleting it since the file name is “save.haha”, which your antivirus software could detect as a potential virus. Changing the file extension name will wipe everyone’s saves, but not many people have played this version yet so nobody should be mad. *Hopefully. *

29.) I think that’s another cool suggestion. Chaning the colour of the sparks could make you feel like you’re progressing, and it will freshen up the gameplay a bit.

30.) I am aware of this, and I’ll fix it.

31.) This is also strange, as I could’ve sworn it worked for me. Maybe some data corrupted when the game was uploaded to the installer?

32.) I need to make references to other things than the rick roll. I do that far too much. Together forever is amazing too!

33.) I feel so sorry to hear that. Again, I could’ve sworn it worked for me. I have no clue why it doesn’t work in the published version.

34.) It took me about 10 minutes to reach the boss target with both the AutoKicker and the 100x multiplier. Again, I need to stop using an autoclicker for testing.

35.) I recommend playing the game* all the way to the boss fight.* Just** don’t save** and don’t deactivate anything. Since the shop prices are so poorly balanced, I recommend downloading a third-party autoclicker and using that to get to the boss fight. Although I should warn you just in case -** turn it off before you click on any tab.** It shouldn’t do anything, but just in case, so you don’t encounter any ***game-breaking bug. ***

Thank you so much for the feedback, it helped me out a lot. I’ll get working on fixing all of the bugs you’ve reported as well as adding*** more content*** so the first phase of the game isn’t so incredibly boring and grindy.

Have a lovely day, ChorcheKork

very nice game 

pls let me out of basement

thank you
